Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Q Magazine Analysis - Front Cover

  • This full body shot of Florence Welch is reflective of the cover lines about how she is one of the few front woman, in competition with a lot of front men; she is shown in a powerful light to reflect her success in a predominantly male role. The hands on hips are ambiguous; they can represent a strong attitude, again being powerful or alternatively they can appeal to her male audience by drawing attention to where men could focus their eyes. Focusing on her face, she best fits Trevor Millum’s seductive pose. Her expression is cool and level as well as self confident; her eyes are directed straight at the camera. This again reflects power as well as being aesthetically pleasing, particularly for men. We see this representation again with what she is wearing. Firstly, she isn’t actually wearing a lot which in itself suggests the look is meant to be sexy and aimed at a male audience. It is very low cut, to again be sexy yet the panelling creates a structure and in essence makes the outfit more masculine, which again shows her power. The outfit reflects her ability to compete with the front men, yet it shows the femininity she brings to her music. Positioning Florence to be towering over famous landmarks that obviously tower humans is again showing her power, but using landmarks from around the world, we could infer that Q magazine is suggesting Florence and the machine to be a worldwide success. 
  • The banner at the top has been positioned there to attract attention as this would be seen on a news stand easily, and the offer of 'Free music' would appeal to a reader. The black and white contrast, not only each other but the rest of the cover. This again could be to draw attention to it. 

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